Monday, December 15, 2014

Good Times, Good Friends, Good God

Today is our 14th anniversary!! Blake said wow that is a long time to be married. I said, it doesn't seem like it at all. Who would a thunk 14 years later we would be here, doing this? Not I that is for sure! Not by a long shot. 

Our first Sunday here as a family. We were not able to get to church because we do not get our car until today. However, we did watch the Ridge Point service from last week online. I am so grateful for that service the Ridge Point offers.

I needed to get out to get a few things so I called Armando to see if he could come pick me up. He came over with his wife, Janet and their two girls, 9mo old and 5 years old. So while Armando, Blake and myself ran out Jennifer and Janet stayed home and got to know each other. Bridger played with their 5 year old. They were playing with Bridgers farm toys and she was helping Bridger say the names in Spanish and Bridger was helping her say them in English. Once we got home, they also stayed for dinner, we had BBQ chicken and rice. Our first meal in our toaster oven and it worked great! Praise Jesus!

After dinner we hung out for a while here and got to know each other better. Janet was teaching Bridger Spanish, he was all over it. Believe it or not, I held the baby and she even fell asleep while I was holding her. Jennifer now calls me the baby whisperer. LOL

Armando is a Police Officer, he is an investigator for robberies. Bridger thinks that is pretty cool.

It looks like God is leading me to start a men's Bible study at our house. We may be meeting this week. I brought the idea up to Armando and he said he would want to join! It may be just him and I and Blake to start but hey we gotta start someplace right? It’s pretty crazy what God will do with us when we are just willing to do it. I never thought in a million years that I would be having a Bible study at our house in Puerto Rico! It is pretty cool though.

Jennifer's uncles, sisters husband is picking me up today to go get the registration and stuff for the truck. It will be so nice to have wheels! Then we can go to church, go grocery shopping, and go to friends and families homes all on our own!
Blake wants to get back to fishing and the beach. He said he would like to start a fishing ministry! He wants to talk about Jesus while fishing. Jennifer said he could call it "Fishers of Men" I think that is really really awesome.
Prayer request
Blake has full sinuses and a nasty cough. His body is adjusting not as well as the rest of us. Pray for a fast healing.
Pray for our Spanish skills to improve fast

Pray that God gives us wisdom and discernment as we start this journey spreading the gospel.

Pray for open hearts and minds here in PR. Not just those we talk to but ours as well.

Pray for my brothers and one sister that always comes to Epic Redemption in Holland, MI those guys and girl are fighting the same battle at home.

Pray for unity in the church, both here in PR and back in Michigan. As the gospel spreads and the Holy Spirit lights hearts on fire, the devil wants to deceive! Pray against that deception. It is not our church but God's church. When we become focused on "our people, and our church" we lose sight of Jesus. It is all about Jesus guys, all about Jesus. If the Lord leads me to change the heart of one person here in PR than I did exactly what God wanted me to do. If I try to get ahead of God....well look what happened to Abraham or any other person that tried to do Gods will on their own.

Sometimes we do not understand, and God's will seems to go against what we want or think should happen. That is why he is God and we are not. God knows what is best for His kingdom. When we are focused on Gods kingdom and Jesus Christ we will not step out of Gods will and we will accept whatever God does. However, when we are focused on what we are doing for God and how we are making and impact and how we do this or that, we can easily step outside of Gods will and get frustrated, mad, jealous, angry and many other things, even at other Christians and churches. Which goes totally against what Jesus prayed about in John 17.

Well that is all for now. Talk you all later.

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