Wow, our blog is over 3,000 views! Amazed at what God is doing and how he is using our testimony to show other Jesus. God is good.
I thought tonight I would write in a different setting. I am outside with Jenn and Bridger sitting in our driveway looking at stares. God is so amazing, he created beauty for no other purpose than for us to enjoy it I'm pretty sure.
Tonight will be a little short. I am pretty tired and sore.
The past few days have been interesting and pretty amazing. Growth comes through struggle Amen? We have had objection, excitement, blessings, confusion, tears (not for us but for those who don't understand), fun, pain (literally, I fell off a rock into a river today. I'm pretty sore.) and all kinds of warfare.
The chance to grow started this past Saturday when we woke up to an inch of water on our floor throughout the entire house!!!! Everything was wet. It took over and hour to get the water out of the house. The water company came that morning so hopefully it is now fixed. It was a mess. Nothing like our friends in Africa who had to wade through waist deep water. We are blessed, it could have been so much worse.
The on our way to church Sunday our tire blows up. So here we are on our way to a new church and our tire blows!. Whoever put the tire on last must have overtightened the lug nuts because in order to get them off I had to pray for God to help me. He gave me a wonderful Idea of using my feet as hands so I could use my leg muscles. It worked! Thank you Jesus!. We got the tire replaced and back on the road in time to make it to church on time! We walked in the doors of The Center ChurchPR and knew it was our church. It felt so right and so welcoming and the Holy Spirit was so present during worship it was almost overwhelming for me.
The warfare has been heavy, from objection from local pastors about our partnership with IHOP, to fear of loosing a friend because of it, great brothers no longer allowed to do ministry with us (right now. God will change that), our house flood, blown tire, and other things that I need not go into. But we know that our God is bigger and we wear the full armor of God and because God is for us than no man can stand against us. The war is already won so why does the devil try so hard, just give in already!
Our bible study/small group/just hang out and talk about Jesus gathering at our home is going great! We had a great discussion on 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. I love it when three families from different backgrounds, different churches and even different religions can all sit around and talk about Jesus and how we can move the church forward and expand Gods kingdom all through the love of Jesus! It is so EPIC!
Prayer Requests
Pastor Leo as he is out of the country in Ecuador visiting some of his churches there.
Pastor Wilson and Pastor Carlos as they seek Gods understanding and guidance on things.
Armando and Jeanette as they face some things. Pray for their strength to never back down from Gods calling on their life.
Unity within the body of Christ here in Puerto Rico.
Our Tuesday nights keep growing according to the Lords will.
Prayer against warfare
Wisdom on what to do about/with finances
Pray for new friends for the kids.
School for the kids continues to go well.
Wisdom in how to be more like Jesus.
That our water no longer backs up.
For our brothers and sisters here who are paralyzed by religion. Pray for the breaking of chains, mainly religion. Pray for relationships with Jesus to be born.
Pray for new baptisms of the Holy Spirit.
Pray down the Holy Spirit so we can walk in the calling God has laid before us.
Pray for our focus not to be on when we are going home or how long we will be here but on what we can do for Jesus while he has us here.
Pray that we listen to Gods words "Lean not on your own understanding."
Prayer for clarity, peace, rest, joy, love, wisdom, knowledge, discernment and anything else you may think of.
I thank God for all of you for reading this blog, it keeps me motivated to be more like Jesus every day. I encourage all of you to seek a relationship with Jesus. Don't focus in the do and do nots but focus on the Love Jesus is and offers and asks us to live out, then the do and do nots will be taken care of by default! It's amazing! Your life will never be the same again! Seek out love and you will become love.
Thank you so much for you prayers. Good night.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Update with ministry and food handout testimonies
Yesterday was an amazing day, Jennifer and I had a Skype conversation with Brian Kampstra, a good friend and mentor of ours and also the global missions pastor at Ridge Point Community Church in Holland. As some of you may already know, Ridge Point has been part of our family's life for almost 12 years. Our kids have grown up at Ridge Point and that is where Jennifer and my faith grew to the point of where God has us now. Although Ridge Point is not in the position to support us as missionaries they are still a big part of our life and we love them for that. After talking with Brian yesterday about what is going on here in Puerto Rico, our partnership with IHOP and some objection we are getting down here, some things were made very clear to us! First of all, Brian feels this connection with IHOP is what God is calling us to do next, as Brian said, "It feels like the next step for you guys." He is excited about this partnership. I have also spoken to Pastor Lloyd from Seven Hills Church and other brothers in Christ about the partnership and they too are excited and in support. We have not had time to talk in depth because so many great things are happening at Seven Hills right now! However, after talking with Brian we really feel that our partnership with IHOP is not only going to open doors for us here in ministry but we also have come to the understanding that we currently do not have an accountability board to be accountable to while down here. This partnership will give us the accountability and pastoral and ministerial support that we need. The last thing we want to do is go it alone. IHOP West Georgia gives us the freedom to do what God has called us to do but offers correction according the biblical principles when needed. We do not want to be off the path of God. Pastor George (and other pastors) from IHOP are willing and able to offer us this support.
After talking through some things and praying over it, Jennifer and I have decided that she will not be ordained. She feels that at this time she is not ready or being called to be so. She stands in full support of what God is doing with me and supports it full hearted.
We want to thank you all for your many prayers.
We want to share with you what God did yesterday with the food handout.
Last night was the food hand out. This is something that God had laid on Jeanettes (Armandos wife) heart two years! It was so neat to see how excited she was as a prayer of hers for two years was being answered! She was so full of joy! Jeanettes mom spent all day making a huge pot of rice, this is not your Uncle Bens instant rice! Another lady from their church made meatballs and we got waters and sodas thanks to a great donation from a friend back home. After the food was cooked Armando, Jeanette and their oldest daughter Dagi came over to our home to package up the food. We ended up packing up over 30 meals to hand out before we ran out of food! Everyone helped and it was great fun!
As we packed up and headed out we did not know what to expect or where we would stop. Our plan (haha our plan) was to start in one town and move through three or four towns. Our first stop was about 3 min up the road from our house, after that we never left Manati! A group of men were sitting along side the road. We stopped and Armando asked them if they wanted to eat. We handed out 4 meals at this stop! The cool thing is at first we never said we were Christians or anything. We only said God Bless You, which down here everyone says. Before one of the men got the food he said what church are you from? Armando tried to explain that we were not doing this with a church. The man said, no I mean what church do you go to? Where do you meet? I want to go to your church. WOW! So Armando started saying the church he went to but the Lord said "Tell then about Tuesday nights at your house." So I did. I told him why we were handing out food and that we are just friends who love Jesus and want to be his hands and feet. We all go to different churches but we meet at our house to talk about Jesus and how to grow The Church. He said I want to come! So, Lord willing I will be picking Juan up this Tuesday so he can join us! God is moving and this was only 5 min into the handout!
As we headed to Manati there were many people we stopped and gave food to, we offered prayer to some when it seemed right, most took prayer and some did not. Most took the food some did not. After talking to a lot of the men and women on the street, most of them at some point accepted Jesus. I is really sad to see what drugs can do to someone. We met a lot of great people struggling with a demon. They are loved by us and by Jesus. We hope to continue doing this food handout on a monthly basis so we can get to know them better and when the time is right lead them back to Jesus and a new life. But I have one story to share with you that really gets Jennifer and I excited!!!!
We were driving around and ended up at a Walgreens. There was a man sitting right outside the door. So Jeanette and I got out and went to give him some food. He was very happy. I asked if he spoke English and he did, very well. So I asked if I could pray for him. He said yes. So far everything is pretty normal. I end the prayer and said good by and went back to the truck. I never noticed anything! Jennifer said, Honey look, there is a man talking to that man. Once we left another man started talking to the man we gave food to, a clean cut older man. The she said as you were praying everyone around you coming in and out of the store just stopped and watched and listened. I thought wow what a cool testimony to people seeing the love of Jesus in action. That is not even what really got me. What got me is as we were sitting in the parking lot, pulled out of our parking spot another car pulled out. This little old lady was in the back seat. She looked at me, like with a stare, almost like she was looking at something inside me. Then she got a huge smile on her face and waved then she put her finger to her mouth and kissed them. You know like the Italians do in movies. It was really moving for me and I will never forget it. The world is watching, the world is ready for change! Our last stop proves it! His name we will call him Jeff. Jeff is a drug addict, we stopped and gave him some food then offered prayer. We asked if there was anything he needed prayer for he said his family and health. So we prayed into that. We started to leave and I was actually already in our truck when he stopped Armando. He said, I want to change. I am tired of being an addict I want to change my life.
So we talked with him for several min after and prayed over him. Little did he know that Armando has direct connection to a rehab center and we have Jesus! Jeff's life is going to be rocked and its all because of Jesus!!! Jeff to may end up at our Tuesday meetings. We are looking at moving the meeting to the local park right down the road.
Below are some pictures from the food handout
Monday, January 19, 2015
Answer to Prayers,God's amazing ways of doing so!
Hey everyone. Last night I said I would post some of the amazing things God has been doing. Over the past couple weeks Jennifer and I have been in prayer about a lot of things, you too have been praying for those things. God has spoken loud and clear!
First let me share with you what God has revealed to me what I (John) is here for. God has told me that I am here to break chains causing religious bondage and to create unity in the church, and that all this was to be done in love. He has not told me how yet so I cannot give you that information. He has told me that it is going to be counter cultural and that there will be people, mainly those inside the church, who will disagree with what I say and or just plain do not like it. He has told me that I am to do what he says no matter what man says because what he is going to have me do will look so counter world that those of the world will not understand. A pretty overwhelming charge I must say. But being that I am known for sometimes being a little to bold, a little to quick to act and I tend to go with the, act first ask for forgiveness later mind set, God had to work on my heart over the past month. Work on my heart he did! So, with all this stuff going on in my head I wanted to make sure it was God and not me; so I asked for confirmation. Lets just say I got it. It all started with the songs I wrote about the other day. But God knew that would only motivate me, not give me confirmation so he choose to use some really amazing moments. While in the mountains the other day God used three men to speak into me. They did not even know they were doing it. First it was the pastor of the church in Florida (PR) reading Isaiah 49. He was speaking in Spanish so I read it later, however God sent me two translators to tell me what he was saying after the reading. He said, do what God is calling you to do and do not wait on man or look to man for acceptance. (Speaking to the whole group). Then another man spoke, he was visiting from Chicago. He shared that he has been called to break down religion and bring unity to the church! The another man sang a song. He was asked to sing a song that he wrote. He started singing in Spanish. Half way through the song Pastor Leo started to translate for me. The man was singing, do what the Lord has told you to do and do not look to man for acceptance. Learn to love, learn to love learn to love. The Lord has called you to do what he has told you. Do it. ( that's how it was translated.) Then Pastor Leo said this, He just said he was improvising. That is not what he planned on singing. To all of this I was overwhelmed. God had just used three different men to tell me exactly what God had already told me! It hit me to the core for sure. But that is not what really confirmed it. Yes there is more. Remember in my post about the songs? When I was writing what the Lord told me through the song Zombie? Remember when I wrote, " We have to wake up the sleeping giant."? Well, God did this.... Look at the picture below. This is the view from the mountain top we were standing on. This is a mountain that they call, get this, The Sleeping Giant! Wow I got chills writing that!

You want an answer or clarity just ask! So, here we go. Moving forward to awaken The Sleeping Giant, The Church of Jesus Christ. Watch out world because here comes Jesus! The giant is getting restless and is about to wake up!
Through this, as some of you may already know, God has connected us with IHOP WG (International House of Prayer West Georgia). This is not a new connection. The connection before moving here was a loose one. I have good friends that are ministers with IHOP who now live in Michigan after a calling from God to move there from Georgia. God however has flung open a door, heck french doors even. Over the past two weeks I have been in prayer and fasting over what God is doing with IHOP and the ministry God has us doing here in Puerto Rico. Again wanting to make sure what we were hearing was God we asked God for confirmations. Some of which came the day in the mountain. I however, knowing what this could mean was led to laying out a fleece for God. I asked God that if he really wanted us to Partner with IHOP that God sends Pastor George from Georgia here to the Island to make the partnership official. Now I have never personally met George. I have talked with him on the phone one time. Pastor George heads up the IHOP in Atlanta and several others across the world. I however do know Tom very well, he lives in Michigan now. So I laid it out there. One day goes by, no phone call no nothing, two days go by, nothing. Well I guess I got my answer we are not to partner with IHOP. A couple more days went by and I was not even really think about IHOP that much any more. Until the day in the mountain. God started bringing IHOP back into my mind, and with all those confirmations of what God was calling me to I just knew that this partnership was to happen. However, what about the fleece? God how can you be confirming this but not answering my fleece prayer. To say the least I was a bit confused. But, God made it clear what we were to do. So Jennifer and I made the decision after talking and praying that we should do what God is calling us to, even without the fleece prayer answered. (Note: I did not share my fleece prayer with jennifer until later)We just have to trust God. Then, there it came! I was on the phone with Tom and he said,
"Pastor George feels the Lord telling him that he needs to come down to Puerto Rico to make this partnership official." Fleece prayer answered! WOW! So, Lord willing, Tom and Pastor George from IHOP WG will be flying down here to Puerto Rico in March to make our ministry partnership official. Lord willing we hope to have a service once they get down here with all the area pastors that we have met or have connections with, along with friends and family that can attend as well. Once this is official we will have the full ministry support of IHOP West Georgia and IHOP Kansas City. We do not know what God wants us to do with this partnership or how he is going to use it but we do know one thing; God will be glorified and his will will be done. To God be the glory through his Son Jesus Christ! We are praying for Holy Spirit Fire to rain down on this Island and revival of the church runs rampant. There is no water that can put out a Holy Spirit Fire! Light this place on fire Lord! Shake the earth so heaven can be revealed here! Bring your Son to full glory and let your light shine in all the earth! Come on church it is time to move! Revival is here, revival is now!
Friday, January 16, 2015
Blessings, prayers and stories.
Well I have not posted as much as I had wished. It has been a busy week as I started my job this week. I am the janitor at the Christian Academy in Manati. Granted it is only a few hours a night but I have not worked 5 days a week in over two years! We are feeling very blessed for this job. It brings in enough money to cover rent every month. Praise Jesus.
It seems right now we will be going to the same church we have been going to. God has not highlighted any other church yet.
Tomorrow I will be in Jayuya with the church in Florida (PR). It is a guys only ministry in the mountains. Not sure what we will be doing but I'm excited. Pastor Wilson and I will be talking about some things. I'm excited to see what God has in store.
I have been in contact with IHOP ( International House of Prayer) West Georgia. Some doors have opened up with them and a IHOP minister in Michigan. We are praying on what God may be calling us to do and what this relationship looks like.
As we have been reading the Art of Neighboring it seems to be working, in reverse! Neighbors have been coming to us! We were invited over to one of the neighbors the other day. It was a rather strange but a really cool experience. The neighbors across the street gave Jennifer some dishes and towels as a house warming gift and other neighbors bring us food every now and then, well cake and other sweet treats. It has been a great experience.
The kids have been in school now for almost two weeks. Jennifer is doing a great job teaching them and they all seem to be enjoying it and having a good time. They have already made several projects and we even went hiking in the forest for an assignment! Pretty neat stuff. There is also a school supply store right up the road.
Our Spanish is improving a lot. The nerves of not being able to speak Spanish are gone for me now. I speak what I can and just laugh through the rest. It seems to work. Hahaha.
Our sewer backed up again...good news, it is not backed up anymore, however the main sewer drain in the street busted just down the road from us. Happy it was not our plumbing that was the issue. Pray the water company fixes it soon. They are not the fastest with that around here. The other day I called
in a repair and they never came out but when I called they reported it fixed. Ya pretty normal I hear.
On the brighter side I found a sweet cafe to hang out at. It is right up the road from the house. It seems to be a hot spot for The Holy Spirit. Some amazing things have happened there in the past three days. God is using a man named Victor to speak into my life with some prophetic words of truth. Today was epic! A lot being revealed to me.
I picked a man up that was hitch hiking today. God told me to do it. I ended up driving Emerson 25 miles into the mountains. Through our broken English and Spanish we had a good conversation. Come to find out he got a ride at 5am this morning to go to the doctor and was looking for a ride home, it was noon! And we think a two hour wait in the waiting room is long! He has four kids, been married for 26 years and his youngest is 20. He lived in Vegas for a while to work but came back here and has no job right now. God also led me to pray for healing in this man. So we prayed together right before I dropped him off.
Every now and then I remember I live on an island and laugh. It truly is nuts!
There is some things that still need to be fixed in the truck and I think the parking break just broke! Not a good thing here. Looks like I need some wheel chocks or a block of wood or a brick or well anything to stop the truck from rolling down a mountain.
We will be getting a shipment of Wild Life Story Tellers soon. For those who don't know they are stuffed animals with kids audio Bible stories inside. Our friend Brad made this connection for us. God has blessed him with extra funding to be able to get us some. We cannot wait to hand more out to kids. The ones we brought with us are gone or spoken for already. We are looking forward to possibly connecting with a ministry that will provide us with free Spanish audio Bibles in multiple download formats. Please pray about this possible connection as well.
Well that is all for now. Until next time, stay blessed and go talk about Jesus and stuff😜
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
WAKE UP CHURCH! A Call to Action!
So a lot has been going on in my (John) head over the past week. God has laid some pretty heavy things on my heart down here in Puerto Rico. Your prayers have been heard!
As Armando and I talked and prayed last night about some things God has placed on his heart and some on my heart as well, the state of the church, planting a church, the food hand out, religiosity among the church and what God is preparing us for are just a few of those, God was getting ready to do something to me today. I'm not sure what it is God is calling me to do or how to do it or what God allowed me to hear today is going to come into play. I guess that is not my job, that is the Holy Spirits job. My job is to listen, pray and be obedient when God reveals to me what to do and when to act on it. I hope what I share with you tonight effects you like it did me. I was brought to tears on my way to work this afternoon while listening to a song by We As Human. If you do not know them they are a Christian Metal Band, not the the kind of music that usually brings you to tears. But God allowed me to hear beyond the metal and the music and he revealed to me the message he wanted me to hear. I am going to share that message with you in hopes that you pray on it and do what ever it is that the Lord tells you. I will be honest it is a hard mesaage. It may hurt a little. It hurt me whne God told me. But God knows what we need as the Chruch.
First I was listening to the song Zombie, again this doesn't really sound much like a Christian song or one that would bring you tears, and it didn't but it was a lead into the next song. I'm going to share with you what God told me through this song, Zombie. Read the lyrics and let the Lord show you.
Zombie- Notes added in ( )
Pretty plastic bottles
Lay beside your bed
With every dose you swallow
You lose your head
( everything the church does to try to survive, big productions, concerts, lights, sound, program after program....)
(And how) is your heart still bleeding?
(Where) did the human go?
(Yeah) they might keep you breathing
(Oh) but they numb your soul
(They make your church look good and people come and the chairs are full but there is no Spirit, the power of the Lord is numb and they get the way of the power the Lord wants to bring the church)
Oh, where did all your fire go?
(The church used to be on fire. Revival happened. The Fire came down from heaven once through the church, but not any more. Your fire for Jesus in the church is out)
You're on the inside
And I know you're fighting
On the outside
Your flesh is dying
But this is not your funeral
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up the zombie
So long over medicated
Thinking nothings wrong
Cause you're so sedated
This is not your funeral
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up the zombie!
Wake up the zombie!
(WAKE UP CHURCH! You are fighting so hard but you are fighting with the wrong weapons and the church is dying. But you are not going to die. WAKE UP! Wake up this sleeping giant. WAKE UP CHURCH!)
You started forgetting who you really are
I'm getting kinda worried
You've been gone so long
(And how) is your body sleeping?
(Where) did the human go?
Has it stopped the healing?
(Oh) Have you lost you control?
(Church you have forgotten the power you have through The Holy Spirit. You have forgotten who you are, your identity is in Christ and Christ alone not what your church looks like, sounds like or how many people come to hear the next big Christian artist. Have you lost control and let the world define the church instead of Jesus?)
Oh, where did all your fire go?
You're on the inside
And I know you're fighting
On the outside
Your flesh is dying
But this is not your funeral
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up the zombie
So long over medicated
Thinking nothing's wrong
Cause you're so sedated
This is not your funeral
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up the zombie!
Wake up the zombie!
-Zombie By We As Human- Taken from
Then God had me listen to this song and it wrecked me!
The notes are purposely written with you and not us or we. God shared this with me from his point of view. I am included in this, when you read the word you remember I am included. This is not from me but words the Lord gave me to share with the Church.
We Fall Apart- Notes added in ( )
The worlds on fire but we're all smiling
Though it's all our fault
But life is short so we resort to laughing through it all
(The world is falling apart and the Church just smiles through and says Jesus will make it better just trust him. But it is your fault Church that the world is falling apart because preaching a good message without living out that message leads to destruction. You go around faking who you are and try to overlook the problems of the world by saying Jesus will take care of it, lets put on a bigger show and make church more exciting if we just make people feel better it will all be ok.)
It's the battle within the good and the sin
With both sides standing strong
It's the permanent scars
How broken we are
It's the things that hurt us all
(The Church is constantly fighting this battle of good and sin. You are all broken people needing Jesus no more or no less than another. You all hurt.)
But isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
It's magical and tragic all the ways we break our hearts
(But isn't it great. You mask your falling your discord, people leaving the Church Jesus designed for the church man designed, the pain, the scares, the dirty, messy mixed up world with great sermons, events, big productions, loud music, lights, false emotions and any thing else you can think up that will make you feel good about yourselves so we feel like we are doing something great but in reality you are not! You are sitting there church falling apart and you don't even realize it anymore!)
So unpredictable
We're comfortably miserable
We think we're invincible
Completely unbreakable
And maybe we are
Isn't it beautiful
The way we all fall apart
(Church you are content in your misery. Misery has become the new normal and you are no longer miserable. You no longer see the Church for what it is. You have forgotten the power you have. You have forgotten the message you are charged to spread and the power that message has. You have forgotten who Jesus is! Not the knowledge of Jesus but who he is. Church you think just because Jesus is the founder of the church that the Church will never fall apart. You think that the church is invincible and unbreakable and you may be right about the Church Jesus designed but that is not what you have been building. Yes a kingdom has been built in your church but it was not for Jesus. You make your falling apart look so good!)
You're a liar but I'm a coward so I can't throw a stone
We're so imperfect but so worth it because we're not alone
(You all are sinners so stop blaming, stop condemning, stop segregating stop judging others before you judge yourself. You are all imperfect but you are not alone, Jesus is right by your side calling out for you)
It's the wars that we wage, the lives that we take
For better or for worse
It's the lion we cage, the love and the rage
That keeps us wanting more
(You keep Jesus in a cage, just in your sight so you have motivation, just enough to keep going and never giving up but Jesus wants out! Let him out, let the Holy Spirit bring down fire from heaven and watch the church explode.)
But isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
It's magical and tragic all the ways we break our hearts
So unpredictable
We're comfortably miserable
We think we're invincible
Completely unbreakable
And maybe we are
But isn't it beautiful
The way we all fall apart
The world is dark but all it takes
your love to spark
To set my heart on fire once again
(Yes the world is evil and dangerous and scary and messy but all it takes is for you church to act like Jesus, love like Jesus and a spark of that love will set off a fire so big no man can contain it and the Holy Spirit will infiltrate, The Name of Jesus will be lifted high and God will be glorified)
But isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
Isn't it beautiful
oh, isn't it wonderful
The way we fall apart
It's magical and tragic all the ways we break our hearts
So unpredictable
We're comfortably miserable
We think we're invincible
Completely unbreakable
And maybe we are
But isn't it beautiful
The way we all fall apart
Isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
( This is repeated because many of you will hear these words and to you they will just be words. And you will beautifully fall apart)
We Fall Apart by We As Human Lyrics taken from
I know this is heavy stuff. Now you know why I was brought to tears. God broke my heart today by showing me what not only the church has done wrong but what I have done wrong. I am a mess. God may not be calling you to Puerto Rico or another country or state but he is calling you. He is calling all of us who believe in the name of Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Church we MUST WAKE UP! We cannot sit here any longer thinking everything will be ok because it will not! The solution is not building another church but rebuilding the one Jesus already made because we have started to destroy it. We have a clear outline in Acts of what the church is supposed to look like. Come on Church lets wake up the zombie and make it live again! We have forgotten who we serve! The One True King! He deserves way better than we have given him recently. Don't know what to do, Read and Pray on Matthew 22:34-40 and Matthew 28:19-20, The Lord will show you what to do. I need to study and pray on these verses more just as much as you all. Lets all wake up and change the world!
As Armando and I talked and prayed last night about some things God has placed on his heart and some on my heart as well, the state of the church, planting a church, the food hand out, religiosity among the church and what God is preparing us for are just a few of those, God was getting ready to do something to me today. I'm not sure what it is God is calling me to do or how to do it or what God allowed me to hear today is going to come into play. I guess that is not my job, that is the Holy Spirits job. My job is to listen, pray and be obedient when God reveals to me what to do and when to act on it. I hope what I share with you tonight effects you like it did me. I was brought to tears on my way to work this afternoon while listening to a song by We As Human. If you do not know them they are a Christian Metal Band, not the the kind of music that usually brings you to tears. But God allowed me to hear beyond the metal and the music and he revealed to me the message he wanted me to hear. I am going to share that message with you in hopes that you pray on it and do what ever it is that the Lord tells you. I will be honest it is a hard mesaage. It may hurt a little. It hurt me whne God told me. But God knows what we need as the Chruch.
First I was listening to the song Zombie, again this doesn't really sound much like a Christian song or one that would bring you tears, and it didn't but it was a lead into the next song. I'm going to share with you what God told me through this song, Zombie. Read the lyrics and let the Lord show you.
Zombie- Notes added in ( )
Pretty plastic bottles
Lay beside your bed
With every dose you swallow
You lose your head
( everything the church does to try to survive, big productions, concerts, lights, sound, program after program....)
(And how) is your heart still bleeding?
(Where) did the human go?
(Yeah) they might keep you breathing
(Oh) but they numb your soul
(They make your church look good and people come and the chairs are full but there is no Spirit, the power of the Lord is numb and they get the way of the power the Lord wants to bring the church)
Oh, where did all your fire go?
(The church used to be on fire. Revival happened. The Fire came down from heaven once through the church, but not any more. Your fire for Jesus in the church is out)
You're on the inside
And I know you're fighting
On the outside
Your flesh is dying
But this is not your funeral
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up the zombie
So long over medicated
Thinking nothings wrong
Cause you're so sedated
This is not your funeral
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up the zombie!
Wake up the zombie!
(WAKE UP CHURCH! You are fighting so hard but you are fighting with the wrong weapons and the church is dying. But you are not going to die. WAKE UP! Wake up this sleeping giant. WAKE UP CHURCH!)
You started forgetting who you really are
I'm getting kinda worried
You've been gone so long
(And how) is your body sleeping?
(Where) did the human go?
Has it stopped the healing?
(Oh) Have you lost you control?
(Church you have forgotten the power you have through The Holy Spirit. You have forgotten who you are, your identity is in Christ and Christ alone not what your church looks like, sounds like or how many people come to hear the next big Christian artist. Have you lost control and let the world define the church instead of Jesus?)
Oh, where did all your fire go?
You're on the inside
And I know you're fighting
On the outside
Your flesh is dying
But this is not your funeral
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up the zombie
So long over medicated
Thinking nothing's wrong
Cause you're so sedated
This is not your funeral
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up the zombie!
Wake up the zombie!
-Zombie By We As Human- Taken from
Then God had me listen to this song and it wrecked me!
The notes are purposely written with you and not us or we. God shared this with me from his point of view. I am included in this, when you read the word you remember I am included. This is not from me but words the Lord gave me to share with the Church.
We Fall Apart- Notes added in ( )
The worlds on fire but we're all smiling
Though it's all our fault
But life is short so we resort to laughing through it all
(The world is falling apart and the Church just smiles through and says Jesus will make it better just trust him. But it is your fault Church that the world is falling apart because preaching a good message without living out that message leads to destruction. You go around faking who you are and try to overlook the problems of the world by saying Jesus will take care of it, lets put on a bigger show and make church more exciting if we just make people feel better it will all be ok.)
It's the battle within the good and the sin
With both sides standing strong
It's the permanent scars
How broken we are
It's the things that hurt us all
(The Church is constantly fighting this battle of good and sin. You are all broken people needing Jesus no more or no less than another. You all hurt.)
But isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
It's magical and tragic all the ways we break our hearts
(But isn't it great. You mask your falling your discord, people leaving the Church Jesus designed for the church man designed, the pain, the scares, the dirty, messy mixed up world with great sermons, events, big productions, loud music, lights, false emotions and any thing else you can think up that will make you feel good about yourselves so we feel like we are doing something great but in reality you are not! You are sitting there church falling apart and you don't even realize it anymore!)
So unpredictable
We're comfortably miserable
We think we're invincible
Completely unbreakable
And maybe we are
Isn't it beautiful
The way we all fall apart
(Church you are content in your misery. Misery has become the new normal and you are no longer miserable. You no longer see the Church for what it is. You have forgotten the power you have. You have forgotten the message you are charged to spread and the power that message has. You have forgotten who Jesus is! Not the knowledge of Jesus but who he is. Church you think just because Jesus is the founder of the church that the Church will never fall apart. You think that the church is invincible and unbreakable and you may be right about the Church Jesus designed but that is not what you have been building. Yes a kingdom has been built in your church but it was not for Jesus. You make your falling apart look so good!)
You're a liar but I'm a coward so I can't throw a stone
We're so imperfect but so worth it because we're not alone
(You all are sinners so stop blaming, stop condemning, stop segregating stop judging others before you judge yourself. You are all imperfect but you are not alone, Jesus is right by your side calling out for you)
It's the wars that we wage, the lives that we take
For better or for worse
It's the lion we cage, the love and the rage
That keeps us wanting more
(You keep Jesus in a cage, just in your sight so you have motivation, just enough to keep going and never giving up but Jesus wants out! Let him out, let the Holy Spirit bring down fire from heaven and watch the church explode.)
But isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
It's magical and tragic all the ways we break our hearts
So unpredictable
We're comfortably miserable
We think we're invincible
Completely unbreakable
And maybe we are
But isn't it beautiful
The way we all fall apart
The world is dark but all it takes
your love to spark
To set my heart on fire once again
(Yes the world is evil and dangerous and scary and messy but all it takes is for you church to act like Jesus, love like Jesus and a spark of that love will set off a fire so big no man can contain it and the Holy Spirit will infiltrate, The Name of Jesus will be lifted high and God will be glorified)
But isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
Isn't it beautiful
oh, isn't it wonderful
The way we fall apart
It's magical and tragic all the ways we break our hearts
So unpredictable
We're comfortably miserable
We think we're invincible
Completely unbreakable
And maybe we are
But isn't it beautiful
The way we all fall apart
Isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
( This is repeated because many of you will hear these words and to you they will just be words. And you will beautifully fall apart)
We Fall Apart by We As Human Lyrics taken from
I know this is heavy stuff. Now you know why I was brought to tears. God broke my heart today by showing me what not only the church has done wrong but what I have done wrong. I am a mess. God may not be calling you to Puerto Rico or another country or state but he is calling you. He is calling all of us who believe in the name of Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Church we MUST WAKE UP! We cannot sit here any longer thinking everything will be ok because it will not! The solution is not building another church but rebuilding the one Jesus already made because we have started to destroy it. We have a clear outline in Acts of what the church is supposed to look like. Come on Church lets wake up the zombie and make it live again! We have forgotten who we serve! The One True King! He deserves way better than we have given him recently. Don't know what to do, Read and Pray on Matthew 22:34-40 and Matthew 28:19-20, The Lord will show you what to do. I need to study and pray on these verses more just as much as you all. Lets all wake up and change the world!
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Prayer Requests
As some of you have requested here are some of our prayer requests. Sorry we have not posted more of these.
God has been truly amazing. Your prayers for finances and other material needs have been heard and felt! Keep them coming. However there is much more that we need prayer for.
Coming down here we had a relationship with Pastor Leo and his wife Angeles, and we still do. Because of that relationship we got connected with Ingesia Neuvo Testimento in Manati. We have friends there and so do the kids. That also is where I am working as a janitor for the Christian Academy they have. I just got the job yesterday, today was my first day there. $600 part time, what a blessing. With that being said we still are not sure if this is the church God wants us going to as our home church. The church itself is amazing and the people are great. We feel right at home and very loved by everyone there. The kids have been attending youth group on Friday nights and are really enjoying it. But, with all the great things there we do not want to go there because of those, we want it to be God. Jennifer and I are struggling with looking for another church for a couple reasons. One, the kids really have made good friends and it would be hard for them to leave. Two, there are very few English speaking churches close by. This church translates for us which we are very grateful for, but we really miss worship. We need prayer for a home church that we can grow relationally and spiritually in. This is prayer one.
Another prayer need is currently an unspoken. Jennifer and I are praying for Gods answer on a specific area of ministry. Please do not ask right now, we will share later if the Lord wants us to. I know some of you cant stand that; I could not either, we just don't feel God wants the details of this prayer out just yet. Just know that it would be a huge leap of faith in the unknown. Please read Matthew 28 before praying about this.
We have the food handout coming up January 24th. Pray that this goes well and God is glorified through this would be great. Pray for great weather (no rain), responsive people. great donations and that our hearts are right on that day. This is not an event to go save souls right then and there, this is a moment to share the love of Jesus with those who do not see it very often if ever. Don't get me wrong if the opportunity opens to share Jesus we will, but we just want to be the love of Jesus that day.
For me (John) I ask for prayer in the area of discernment and rest. As some of you may know, when I get an Idea or God asks me to do something I don't like to wait. God is having me wait, just a little and it is hard for me. I have a hard time resting in the moment. Jesus says when you need rest come to me. That is what I need to do. And as opportunity's open up here I need discernment to know what is God and what is not. That too I struggle with. Sometimes I rather just jump out in faith and trust that God has it rather than wait and see if God really wants me to do it. If it was not for my wife I would probably have jumped out of an airplane without a parachute by now. HAHAHA! Of course I would still be writing you because God would have sent and angle or something ;) No but really, please pray for those specific things for me right now.
There are a few things that I need to fix on the truck, shocks, exaust and new tires. Pray God gives us what we need to ge those things fixed rather soon.
Thank you for your prayers and we will talk again soon!
God has been truly amazing. Your prayers for finances and other material needs have been heard and felt! Keep them coming. However there is much more that we need prayer for.
Coming down here we had a relationship with Pastor Leo and his wife Angeles, and we still do. Because of that relationship we got connected with Ingesia Neuvo Testimento in Manati. We have friends there and so do the kids. That also is where I am working as a janitor for the Christian Academy they have. I just got the job yesterday, today was my first day there. $600 part time, what a blessing. With that being said we still are not sure if this is the church God wants us going to as our home church. The church itself is amazing and the people are great. We feel right at home and very loved by everyone there. The kids have been attending youth group on Friday nights and are really enjoying it. But, with all the great things there we do not want to go there because of those, we want it to be God. Jennifer and I are struggling with looking for another church for a couple reasons. One, the kids really have made good friends and it would be hard for them to leave. Two, there are very few English speaking churches close by. This church translates for us which we are very grateful for, but we really miss worship. We need prayer for a home church that we can grow relationally and spiritually in. This is prayer one.
Another prayer need is currently an unspoken. Jennifer and I are praying for Gods answer on a specific area of ministry. Please do not ask right now, we will share later if the Lord wants us to. I know some of you cant stand that; I could not either, we just don't feel God wants the details of this prayer out just yet. Just know that it would be a huge leap of faith in the unknown. Please read Matthew 28 before praying about this.
We have the food handout coming up January 24th. Pray that this goes well and God is glorified through this would be great. Pray for great weather (no rain), responsive people. great donations and that our hearts are right on that day. This is not an event to go save souls right then and there, this is a moment to share the love of Jesus with those who do not see it very often if ever. Don't get me wrong if the opportunity opens to share Jesus we will, but we just want to be the love of Jesus that day.
For me (John) I ask for prayer in the area of discernment and rest. As some of you may know, when I get an Idea or God asks me to do something I don't like to wait. God is having me wait, just a little and it is hard for me. I have a hard time resting in the moment. Jesus says when you need rest come to me. That is what I need to do. And as opportunity's open up here I need discernment to know what is God and what is not. That too I struggle with. Sometimes I rather just jump out in faith and trust that God has it rather than wait and see if God really wants me to do it. If it was not for my wife I would probably have jumped out of an airplane without a parachute by now. HAHAHA! Of course I would still be writing you because God would have sent and angle or something ;) No but really, please pray for those specific things for me right now.
There are a few things that I need to fix on the truck, shocks, exaust and new tires. Pray God gives us what we need to ge those things fixed rather soon.
Thank you for your prayers and we will talk again soon!
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Jesus prays for unity
So I'm sitting here today as I join JESUS in an amazing conversation on the beach. We start talking about what Armando and I talked about last night, and that is unity. Jesus prayed for unity, he described the church as one body and pretty much said that if the church is not unified then the world will not know him. As I sit here under a nice shady Palm tree, Im looking around at all of the different plants here on the outer edge of the beach. There are big Palm trees, some sort of thick short tree, beach grass and some other sort of leafy looking plant. As I sit here quitly listening to what God has to say, he tells me to look around at the unity. All of a sudden this thought pops into my head. Look at how even these plants work together. They are all different, playing different roles but they all are here for the same purpose. To provide life! Not only oxygen, but shade, shelter and protection. If it were not for the small brush then all the lizards, bugs and who knows what else would be by me. They serve a purpose, just like right now the Palm tree I am under serves as shade for me, where as the small brush cannot. What would happen, hypothetically of course, if the Palm tree said to the brush, " you are doing it wrong! That is not how you provide life. If you can not provide shade for this person than you must be wrong." And what if the brush said to the Palm tree, " what are you doing" You are way to tall. How are you going to stop the elements from getting to all these animals and bugs? You are doing it wrong. Get off my beach I do not want to see you here again!" Oh and all of those insects and animals that come and visit you and your spot, leave them here with me."
Sounds kind of silly right?
Well, that is what many churches are doing today. Both here in Puerto Rico, America and the world.
When will the church wake up and realize that the church is not here for us, but for JESUS. And that Jesus wants us to be unified in Him. That does not mean we all do the same things, feel the same way or even believe the same things. What Jesus wants is for the church to be unified in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ an salvation through repentance and a loving relationship with Jesus. Read Jesus' words in John 17 for yourself.
We need to stop being selfish and thinking that we are right and they are wrong. We need to understand that the church is ment to operate as one body with many parts all working for the same purpose but playing different roles. What if I cut off my arm because I could not walk on it or cut off my ears because they could not see? That is what the church has done and is doing. We have become a self absorbed group of "Christians" who have forgotten our real purpose and have forgotten the words and prayer of the one we are following!!!!!! How can we claim to be the church if we don't even listen to Jesus? He had told us what we need to do, why don't we just do it?
STOP FIGHTING CHURCH! We are willingly making the devil smile by our ununified body.
Jesus says if the the world is going to know him then the church needs to be unified.
That means, it's ok for a person to leave your denomination and plant a church with another, it is okfor those called by God to start a church without any formal training to do so, it is ok for people to be involved with more than one church, it ok for people to believe a little differently than you when it comes to religious practices.
If we want the world to know Jesus we must understsnd this. Those are the words of a Jesus not mine.
I'm not writing this to condem the church. I am writing this because I feel God layed it on my heart today. This is my prayer for the church, that we become unified so the prayer Jesus prayed becomes and answered one. There are a few churches that get this and are doing amazing things. If you are one of those churches or people who understsnd this don't be shy, don't just sit on it, spread the word. Be bold and let's start unifying as a church so the world will know Jesus. This takes courage, vulnerability and a willingness to be disliked, kicked out and persucuted. But, isent that what happend to Jesus? The one we are following. Why should our lives be any different?
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
God is re-wiring me!
It's been a month for me (John) and I have really learned a lot already. I'm starting to miss having people over and going places with people. Jennifer's family and my family would come over often. I like having people around. Our neighbor boy, Dylan would just randomly stop over and hang out. That dosen't happen here yet. Those strong relationships that are so important to me back home have not formed here yet. Other than Jenn and the kids of course. Even just knowing that if I wanted to drive out to Pine Trail camp to visit my buddy Peter I could was nice. I really have no where to go here. I can't just stop into Flex Fitness, or hang out at Ridge Point Church or go into Seven Hills Church by myself and throw on some worship music and worship Jesus very loudly. There are very few cafes here for me to go to, which I made several back home my second home. I'm about ready to pay for someone to fly over here and visit. LOL. I don't have the money but if I did that is where it would go.
Even last night, it was fun and exciting to experience a Three Kings Day party, but most of the time we just sat there. We talked to a few people briefly but only to the extent of what we could understand. I did meet a new guy who lived in the states for several years who could speak very good English. But being that we don't have a relationship the conversation was surfacey. I know I will have those strong relationships I'm longing for, Armando will be one but it is hard not being able to express my emotion or passion or just talk about some hard, deep things with people.
I feel like a tightly wound coil that is waiting to be sprung. God is reaally re-wiring my entire being and it is hard for me. I miss just talking with people, sitting down for a cup of bad coffee at Denny's or Stake and Shake, if I'm lucky a good cup of Lemangelos coffee. Their six-one-six is the best.
Don't get me wrong things are going amazing here and we love it. It feels like home but there are just some things I miss. Like people stopping at stop signs, two lane roads, and Michigan pot holes. Hahahahaha. No I actually enjoy driving here. There is kind of a mutual understanding that everyone drives crazy and its a sort of organized chaos. It works well actually.
I am really hoping that this job comes through and I cannot wait for school to start back up in March. This way I will have something to do while Jenn and the kids are doing school here at home.
Armando will be coming over tonight for Bible study. We will be talking more about The Art of Neighboring and the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We are also going to be talking about the food hand out we are planning. Hopfully setting a date. A friend from home has sent us some money that should cover all the to-go material we need. Now we just need to get people to make food for the people. Please continue to pray for this time of serving.
Feel free to send us a letter any time our address is PO Box 3616 Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00613-3616
There is something special about snail mail. Not sure what, buts it is nice to get. And the kids love it too.
Well for now that's all. Praying for you all. Thank you so much for you love and support.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Jesus....would have been a great neighbor
Good evening. Today was a good day. Blake and Dallas danced in church this morning. They were asked to be part of a Puerto Rican dance by the church school. They did a great job. The kids are getting to know their new friends well. A group of about 12 went ice skating at an ice skating arena yesterday. It sounds like they all had a great time. Jennifer, Bridger and myself stayed home and just hung out together, that was nice.
We are getting to know some of our neighbors. I met two more today. Jennifer and I are reading The Art of Neighboring which is really challenging us to get out and meet our neighbors. It looks like we may even throw a block party! Thank you Brian Kampstra from Ridge Point Community Church in Holland for giving us this amazing tool!!
We went to a new beach the other day. It is almost like a little lagoon. Its about 4 to 5 feet deep with a huge reef. We went snorkeling their and the fish were amazing! While sitting on the beach God led us to meet the people sitting by us. Bridger played with their little boy and I talked with them for a little. Come to find out, they are here on vacation from New York. Rodgers parents are from Puerto Rico and that is who they are visiting. Rodger had to leave but after hearing what we had moved here for he asked me to pray for them because we all need prayer, then he left. This left me intrigued. So, after pondering on this and talking to God about it, I went over to his wife Erma and asked if there was anything specific they needed prayer for. There wasn't really. But the fact that Rodger said that left me wondering, there has to be more to their story. So I asked Erma if there was a church that they went to in New York. She said no. She is Catholic and prays where ever she is. (That's what she said) Erma also said, "When we met Rodger was a born again Christian. What ever that is. I don't really understand. What is that do you know?" So, God opened up the door for me to share the story of Jesus and Nicodemus from John 3. She didn't really seem to get it. However, I was able to pray with here right there on the beach/ Both her and her older daughter seemed overly thankful for the prayer. After talking a little more I found out that Rodger actually used to preach in the church! Please keep them in your prayers. Pray that Rodger reconnects with Jesus and follows the path God has for him and his family. Pray for the ability for him to lead his wife to Christ.
So this is funny. Last night we went over to Armando and Jeanette's house. They have a really cute place on an acre in the mountains! Its pretty sweet! We even had a bonfire and smores!!! It felt a little like Hamilton. Anyway, we thought they lived about 15 min away from our house. We kinda needed gas but had about 1/4 tank. Thinking he lived fairly close I just figured we would get gas on the way home. Turns out they live like 30-40min away in the mountains. We got to their house on E! Praise Jesus that Armando had just recently filled up his gas can fro the lawn tractor. So there we are putting gas into our truck in their drive way from a lawn mower gas can. It was a sight to be seen, you kinda had to be their. But thank God we had enough gas to get all the way home! I am so thankful for God giving great friends in Armando and Jeanette. He even let me take home their weed trimmer so we can cut our lawn. We don't have a lawn mower yet and we have not cut our grass in a month. It needs it.
I talked with Pastor Greg from Seven Hills Church in Holland, MI yesterday. That was really nice. God is really doing some amazing things over at that church. Knowing the pastors and the struggles the church has gone trough in the past year, I would have to say that their persistence in their obedience to God is where all this fruit is coming from. God is good! This church is a perfect example of waiting, obedience, more waiting, more obedience, more waiting and blessing! We have to know that everything is on Gods timing not ours. Seven Hills Church knows this! I am so proud of those guys and girls over their!
On a more serious note. Both Jennifer and I are really struggling with where God wants us to go for a home church. We have only been to Ingesia Neuvo Testimento in Maniti. Don't get me wrong we love that church and all of the people there. We have friends their and the kids have friends their. We are overly thankful for the interpretation that they do for us. However, we both really miss worship and we need to be fed!. It is hard to worship when we cannot understand the songs. You know the deep, bring you to tears worship that a good Jesus Culture or Hillsong song will bring you to, and although the interpretation is great, its just not the same. Maybe God wants us to go their but also watch some stuff online. We are praying for wisdom and guidance on this. We have yet to visit the Center Church in Dorado, it is 45 min away. There is no close English church. We are not sure what God wants us to do. Please pray for this.
God has been blessing us with all of our needs. We had $1250 come in this month. Granted it is all gone because of bills, but God seems to give us exactly what we need when we need it and we are so very grateful for that!. We have not once been in need where God has not provided that need. God is a God of promises. he provides all our needs. Just follow Jesus and do all you do for the glory of God and he has you covered. Those are not my words, those are Gods words, straight from the Bible.
The kids start school tomorrow. Jennifer will be home schooling them. Right now I am not in school, however when I start back up in March we will need at least one more laptop. I take online courses and the kids schooling is all online. We know God will provide that as well.
We are starting to plan the food hand out that we will be doing. Please pray for food donations and money to buy the to-go material we will need. Its pretty cool really. At first we were going to hold an event at a local park. However, after reading The Art of Neighboring and praying about it I felt that was not what God wanted. We need to go to the people not expect them to come to us. So I told Amando this when he was here for small group Tuesday night. As I was talking he had this smile on his face the whole time. I got done and he said, Jeanette and I just talked about this and that is exactly what we feel God wants too! We just did not know how to tell you because we did not know what you would think. It is so cool how God works!!! So instead of having an event where people need to come to us, we are going to them. We will be making to-go lunches with a full Puerto Rican meal and delivering them to as many people asking for money on the street corners as we can. We hope to pray for some along the way and even make some lasting relationships too.
Well than is all for tonight. We pray you are all doing well! Hope to see some of you down here soon.
We are getting to know some of our neighbors. I met two more today. Jennifer and I are reading The Art of Neighboring which is really challenging us to get out and meet our neighbors. It looks like we may even throw a block party! Thank you Brian Kampstra from Ridge Point Community Church in Holland for giving us this amazing tool!!
We went to a new beach the other day. It is almost like a little lagoon. Its about 4 to 5 feet deep with a huge reef. We went snorkeling their and the fish were amazing! While sitting on the beach God led us to meet the people sitting by us. Bridger played with their little boy and I talked with them for a little. Come to find out, they are here on vacation from New York. Rodgers parents are from Puerto Rico and that is who they are visiting. Rodger had to leave but after hearing what we had moved here for he asked me to pray for them because we all need prayer, then he left. This left me intrigued. So, after pondering on this and talking to God about it, I went over to his wife Erma and asked if there was anything specific they needed prayer for. There wasn't really. But the fact that Rodger said that left me wondering, there has to be more to their story. So I asked Erma if there was a church that they went to in New York. She said no. She is Catholic and prays where ever she is. (That's what she said) Erma also said, "When we met Rodger was a born again Christian. What ever that is. I don't really understand. What is that do you know?" So, God opened up the door for me to share the story of Jesus and Nicodemus from John 3. She didn't really seem to get it. However, I was able to pray with here right there on the beach/ Both her and her older daughter seemed overly thankful for the prayer. After talking a little more I found out that Rodger actually used to preach in the church! Please keep them in your prayers. Pray that Rodger reconnects with Jesus and follows the path God has for him and his family. Pray for the ability for him to lead his wife to Christ.
So this is funny. Last night we went over to Armando and Jeanette's house. They have a really cute place on an acre in the mountains! Its pretty sweet! We even had a bonfire and smores!!! It felt a little like Hamilton. Anyway, we thought they lived about 15 min away from our house. We kinda needed gas but had about 1/4 tank. Thinking he lived fairly close I just figured we would get gas on the way home. Turns out they live like 30-40min away in the mountains. We got to their house on E! Praise Jesus that Armando had just recently filled up his gas can fro the lawn tractor. So there we are putting gas into our truck in their drive way from a lawn mower gas can. It was a sight to be seen, you kinda had to be their. But thank God we had enough gas to get all the way home! I am so thankful for God giving great friends in Armando and Jeanette. He even let me take home their weed trimmer so we can cut our lawn. We don't have a lawn mower yet and we have not cut our grass in a month. It needs it.
I talked with Pastor Greg from Seven Hills Church in Holland, MI yesterday. That was really nice. God is really doing some amazing things over at that church. Knowing the pastors and the struggles the church has gone trough in the past year, I would have to say that their persistence in their obedience to God is where all this fruit is coming from. God is good! This church is a perfect example of waiting, obedience, more waiting, more obedience, more waiting and blessing! We have to know that everything is on Gods timing not ours. Seven Hills Church knows this! I am so proud of those guys and girls over their!
On a more serious note. Both Jennifer and I are really struggling with where God wants us to go for a home church. We have only been to Ingesia Neuvo Testimento in Maniti. Don't get me wrong we love that church and all of the people there. We have friends their and the kids have friends their. We are overly thankful for the interpretation that they do for us. However, we both really miss worship and we need to be fed!. It is hard to worship when we cannot understand the songs. You know the deep, bring you to tears worship that a good Jesus Culture or Hillsong song will bring you to, and although the interpretation is great, its just not the same. Maybe God wants us to go their but also watch some stuff online. We are praying for wisdom and guidance on this. We have yet to visit the Center Church in Dorado, it is 45 min away. There is no close English church. We are not sure what God wants us to do. Please pray for this.
God has been blessing us with all of our needs. We had $1250 come in this month. Granted it is all gone because of bills, but God seems to give us exactly what we need when we need it and we are so very grateful for that!. We have not once been in need where God has not provided that need. God is a God of promises. he provides all our needs. Just follow Jesus and do all you do for the glory of God and he has you covered. Those are not my words, those are Gods words, straight from the Bible.
The kids start school tomorrow. Jennifer will be home schooling them. Right now I am not in school, however when I start back up in March we will need at least one more laptop. I take online courses and the kids schooling is all online. We know God will provide that as well.
We are starting to plan the food hand out that we will be doing. Please pray for food donations and money to buy the to-go material we will need. Its pretty cool really. At first we were going to hold an event at a local park. However, after reading The Art of Neighboring and praying about it I felt that was not what God wanted. We need to go to the people not expect them to come to us. So I told Amando this when he was here for small group Tuesday night. As I was talking he had this smile on his face the whole time. I got done and he said, Jeanette and I just talked about this and that is exactly what we feel God wants too! We just did not know how to tell you because we did not know what you would think. It is so cool how God works!!! So instead of having an event where people need to come to us, we are going to them. We will be making to-go lunches with a full Puerto Rican meal and delivering them to as many people asking for money on the street corners as we can. We hope to pray for some along the way and even make some lasting relationships too.
Well than is all for tonight. We pray you are all doing well! Hope to see some of you down here soon.
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