Wednesday, January 7, 2015

God is re-wiring me!

      It's been a month for me (John) and I have really learned a lot already. I'm starting to miss having people over and going places with people. Jennifer's family and my family would come over often. I like having people around. Our neighbor boy, Dylan would just randomly stop over and hang out. That dosen't happen here yet. Those strong relationships that are so important to me back home have not formed here yet. Other than Jenn and the kids of course. Even just knowing that if I wanted to drive out to Pine Trail camp to visit my buddy Peter I could was nice. I really have no where to go here. I can't just stop into Flex Fitness, or hang out at Ridge Point Church or go into Seven Hills Church by myself and throw on some worship music and worship Jesus very loudly. There are very few cafes here for me to go to, which I made several back home my second home. I'm about ready to pay for someone to fly over here and visit. LOL. I don't have the money but if I did that is where it would go. 

      Even last night, it was fun and exciting to experience a Three Kings Day party, but most of the time we just sat there. We talked to a few people briefly but only to the extent of what we could understand. I did meet a new guy who lived in the states for several years who could speak very good English. But being that we don't have a relationship the conversation was surfacey. I know I will have those strong relationships I'm longing for, Armando will be one but it is hard not being able to express my emotion or passion or just talk about some hard, deep things with people.

      I feel like a tightly wound coil that is waiting to be sprung. God is reaally re-wiring my entire being and it is hard for me. I miss just talking with people, sitting down for a cup of bad coffee at Denny's or Stake and Shake, if I'm lucky a good cup of Lemangelos coffee. Their six-one-six is the best. 
Don't get me wrong things are going amazing here and we love it. It feels like home but there are just some things I miss. Like people stopping at stop signs, two lane roads, and Michigan pot holes. Hahahahaha. No I actually enjoy driving here. There is kind of a mutual understanding that everyone drives crazy and its a sort of organized chaos. It works well actually.  

      I am really hoping that this job comes through and I cannot wait for school to start back up in March. This way I will have something to do while Jenn and the kids are doing school here at home. 

Armando will be coming over tonight for Bible study. We will be talking more about The Art of Neighboring and the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We are also going to be talking about the food hand out we are planning. Hopfully setting a date. A friend from home has sent us some money that should cover all the to-go material we need. Now we just need to get people to make food for the people. Please continue to pray for this time of serving. 

Feel free to send us a letter any time our address is PO Box 3616 Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00613-3616
There is something special about snail mail. Not sure what, buts it is nice to get. And the kids love it too.

Well for now that's all. Praying for you all. Thank you so much for you love and support.

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