Hey everyone. Last night I said I would post some of the amazing things God has been doing. Over the past couple weeks Jennifer and I have been in prayer about a lot of things, you too have been praying for those things. God has spoken loud and clear!
First let me share with you what God has revealed to me what I (John) is here for. God has told me that I am here to break chains causing religious bondage and to create unity in the church, and that all this was to be done in love. He has not told me how yet so I cannot give you that information. He has told me that it is going to be counter cultural and that there will be people, mainly those inside the church, who will disagree with what I say and or just plain do not like it. He has told me that I am to do what he says no matter what man says because what he is going to have me do will look so counter world that those of the world will not understand. A pretty overwhelming charge I must say. But being that I am known for sometimes being a little to bold, a little to quick to act and I tend to go with the, act first ask for forgiveness later mind set, God had to work on my heart over the past month. Work on my heart he did! So, with all this stuff going on in my head I wanted to make sure it was God and not me; so I asked for confirmation. Lets just say I got it. It all started with the songs I wrote about the other day. But God knew that would only motivate me, not give me confirmation so he choose to use some really amazing moments. While in the mountains the other day God used three men to speak into me. They did not even know they were doing it. First it was the pastor of the church in Florida (PR) reading Isaiah 49. He was speaking in Spanish so I read it later, however God sent me two translators to tell me what he was saying after the reading. He said, do what God is calling you to do and do not wait on man or look to man for acceptance. (Speaking to the whole group). Then another man spoke, he was visiting from Chicago. He shared that he has been called to break down religion and bring unity to the church! The another man sang a song. He was asked to sing a song that he wrote. He started singing in Spanish. Half way through the song Pastor Leo started to translate for me. The man was singing, do what the Lord has told you to do and do not look to man for acceptance. Learn to love, learn to love learn to love. The Lord has called you to do what he has told you. Do it. ( that's how it was translated.) Then Pastor Leo said this, He just said he was improvising. That is not what he planned on singing. To all of this I was overwhelmed. God had just used three different men to tell me exactly what God had already told me! It hit me to the core for sure. But that is not what really confirmed it. Yes there is more. Remember in my post about the songs? When I was writing what the Lord told me through the song Zombie? Remember when I wrote, " We have to wake up the sleeping giant."? Well, God did this.... Look at the picture below. This is the view from the mountain top we were standing on. This is a mountain that they call, get this, The Sleeping Giant! Wow I got chills writing that!

You want an answer or clarity just ask! So, here we go. Moving forward to awaken The Sleeping Giant, The Church of Jesus Christ. Watch out world because here comes Jesus! The giant is getting restless and is about to wake up!
Through this, as some of you may already know, God has connected us with IHOP WG (International House of Prayer West Georgia). This is not a new connection. The connection before moving here was a loose one. I have good friends that are ministers with IHOP who now live in Michigan after a calling from God to move there from Georgia. God however has flung open a door, heck french doors even. Over the past two weeks I have been in prayer and fasting over what God is doing with IHOP and the ministry God has us doing here in Puerto Rico. Again wanting to make sure what we were hearing was God we asked God for confirmations. Some of which came the day in the mountain. I however, knowing what this could mean was led to laying out a fleece for God. I asked God that if he really wanted us to Partner with IHOP that God sends Pastor George from Georgia here to the Island to make the partnership official. Now I have never personally met George. I have talked with him on the phone one time. Pastor George heads up the IHOP in Atlanta and several others across the world. I however do know Tom very well, he lives in Michigan now. So I laid it out there. One day goes by, no phone call no nothing, two days go by, nothing. Well I guess I got my answer we are not to partner with IHOP. A couple more days went by and I was not even really think about IHOP that much any more. Until the day in the mountain. God started bringing IHOP back into my mind, and with all those confirmations of what God was calling me to I just knew that this partnership was to happen. However, what about the fleece? God how can you be confirming this but not answering my fleece prayer. To say the least I was a bit confused. But, God made it clear what we were to do. So Jennifer and I made the decision after talking and praying that we should do what God is calling us to, even without the fleece prayer answered. (Note: I did not share my fleece prayer with jennifer until later)We just have to trust God. Then, there it came! I was on the phone with Tom and he said,
"Pastor George feels the Lord telling him that he needs to come down to Puerto Rico to make this partnership official." Fleece prayer answered! WOW! So, Lord willing, Tom and Pastor George from IHOP WG will be flying down here to Puerto Rico in March to make our ministry partnership official. Lord willing we hope to have a service once they get down here with all the area pastors that we have met or have connections with, along with friends and family that can attend as well. Once this is official we will have the full ministry support of IHOP West Georgia and IHOP Kansas City. We do not know what God wants us to do with this partnership or how he is going to use it but we do know one thing; God will be glorified and his will will be done. To God be the glory through his Son Jesus Christ! We are praying for Holy Spirit Fire to rain down on this Island and revival of the church runs rampant. There is no water that can put out a Holy Spirit Fire! Light this place on fire Lord! Shake the earth so heaven can be revealed here! Bring your Son to full glory and let your light shine in all the earth! Come on church it is time to move! Revival is here, revival is now!
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