Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Gear Up!

The other day our family was at the beach snorkeling. We only have three sets of snorkel gear so we were all not able to go out at the same time. This particular time I chose to go out into the water but had no gear. As Jennifer and the kids were swimming around looking at God's creation under water, sounds of excitement and wonder came to the top. I was wanting to see what they saw but I could not. I was in the water inches away from the under water world but could not see it. At first this was just another experience a normal day at the beach, but then Holy Spirit spoke to me and shared with me something that has impacted my life ever since. 
This is what Holy Spirit revealed to me:
The reason I was so close to this underwater world but could not see it was not because I did not want to, or wasn't willing, or didn't understand; the reason was because I did not have the right gear. This is like our walk with Jesus. Now this is Holy Spirit talking so I am included in this. Many Christians have good intentions, passion, desire, willingness and even knowledge of what to do. The problem is they don't have the right gear. 
-Now I did at one point put on swimming goggles, I could see but it was not real clear, Bridger even tried without goggles, he too could see but it hurt and was very blurry. We were not using the right goggles. Now I also tried goggles and no snorkel, I could see; however there was a difference of time limit of visibility. Without snorkel, 30 seconds, with snorkel, well over 30 min at a time!
Holy Spirit said ,you see, it's not only about desire, passion, knowledge and willingness; it is also about having the right gear. In the Christian walk that means two things, what gifting or giftings has God given you and are you using them? Second are you wearing the Armor of God?
So many times I catch myself going about things in areas where I am not gifted. That is just silly. It's like goin snorkeling with a pair of swimming goggles and a straw! It just won't work very well.
Don't get caught up in passion, desire, wisdom, knowledge and ministry but forget about using the right gear God has for you!

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