Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lean not on your own understanding....or thought or vision or.....

Good morning! God is good. The weather here has been amazing. It gives us the freedom to do more things as a family and gives me more places to study and pray. Praying on the beach is my favorite spot. Not because of the water and beauty although that is nice too, but Jesus spent a lot of time on the beach, so I figure maybe there is something to that. It is peaceful and most of the time when and where I go I am alone. It is a great time to get alone with God.

Jennifer and the kids are plugging away at home school. They are normally done before noon. That is really nice. They are learning a lot of new things. It is an adjustment for sure, however it is working very well.

Monday Blake and Dallas went to Younglife in Dorado. This was their first time ever going to Younglife and they loved it! It is great that there is this outlet for kids on the island. This was promoted through TheCenter ChurchPR, which is where we go to church.

I spent some time with Pastor Efren from TheCenter Church yesterday and talked about a lot of things. One of the things that came up was what their church is in need of right now. There were several things ,from a men's group, kids class leader, discipleship group leader and more. Efren started to focus in on the discipleship group leader and started to explain what they are looking for and what they have been praying for for over a year. They have been praying that God sends them someone with a passion and desire for discipleship and they feel like that is what God sent them here. My insides were going crazy. But I kept my cool. Once he was finished, I simply said, " To tell you the truth this sounds exactly like what The Lord has called us here for. However, I want you to pray about it and ask God to reveal to you if I am the right person for this. If it was me I would hop on it. But I just feel it needs to come to you. I will be praying about it as well." So, Pastor Efren has now charged me with looking for different discipleship classes/programs/courses that we can look at doing. To be proactive he said😉
So please join us in prayer as Jennifer, myself, Pastor Efren and the leadership of TheCenter Church come to The Lord in prayer over this.

Last night was our home group. We talked about some great stuff, including discipleship and what we are called to do and how it may look. We focused, we'll sort of focused on Matthew 5 when Jesus talks about being salt and light. It was a good time of talking about what Jesus called us to be. We are to be The Light of the world. Most of all it was great to spend time with friends and family. We hi gout, talked about life, Jesus, drank coffee ate some treats that Jennifer made and just enjoyed life together.

I know one things is for sure. The Lord is defenantly in control because he is leading us in directions we were not expecting. Most of what we wanted or thought we were going to do is not happening the way we expected it to. Never think you know because chances are you dont. God has it already planned out. Who am I to actually think I can make a plan and it is just like Gods plan? Now that just silly of me. But that's what I do sometimes, ok most of the time. I am learning and growing and will never stop. Just when I think I know, God shows me something different. It is very humbeling to say the least. God is in control not me, not my boss, not even my pastor. It is all God. When we choose to listen it may be easy, may be hard, may even be painful to a degree but it is always for the glory of God and we will always come out a better person and more like Jesus.

Some prayer requests then some praise reports to finish this out for the day.

-Ever since my fall off of the rock into the river my right side of my torso has been hurting. Not all the time just when I sit a certain way or touch it in a certain area. Pray for healing of what ever it is. It is more annoying than anything.
-Of course again pray for this discipleship leader role at church
-continued provision
-that those who have a desire to know more about Jesus to be directed to us and Armando.
-those that need to hear about Jesus are directed to us too
-clearity on what our Tuesday nights look like, or don't look like.
-clearity for a friend here on what to do about work issues
-clearity to get wisdom and understanding 
-for pastors here on the island doing the work of The Lord
-for anyone else on the island doing the work of The Lord give thanks for them both.
- pray for our second food handout we are planning.
- pray for our hearts to be focused on Jesus and doing all we can do for him while on the island however long or short of time that may be. Let us focus on being here.
This is from John- that I trust God more with finances. He has not once let us down. I just need to trust in him more and not worry. I know he will provide so why do I worry? 
I could go on and on but this is good for now.

Praise report
Your prayers for financial support were heard. The Lord blessed with at least $400 unexpected dollars this month! Praise Jesus!!!! 
Work at the school is going great.
Our Spanish is improving....slowly....but it is improving.
We are meeting more of our neighbors.
The kids are meeting new friends.
The Lord is working and people are seeing his love!!
Thank you everyone for your prayers and support!

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